Why Do Erectile Problems Develop

Why Do Erectile Problems Develop

Why Erectile Problems Develop The physiology of erections is pretty straightforward hydrology – it all depends on blood flow. Although the mechanism is straightforward, the reasons that it may go wrong are quite varied. Erectile problems can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition – most commonly connected to diseases that impact blood flow such as diabetes, heart disease,…

What are the symptoms of ADHD in adults?

What are the symptoms of ADHD in adults?

Typically signs of ADHD in adults may consist of persistent difficulties in following directions, remembering information, concentrating, organising tasks, completing work within specified time limits, and being on time for meetings or appointments. Consequently, the adult with ADHD may be characterised as “lazy”, “careless”, “messy”, “thick”, or “ignorant”. These difficulties occur across several areas of the person’s life, causing emotional,…

hypnotherapy for IBS

IBS The Latest Treatment- Hypnotherapy

People affected by Irritable Bowel Syndrome will welcome the news about the latest treatment for IBS proven to offer some relief from symptoms: hypnotherapy. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very common condition; according to current estimates, 15% of all Australians have symptoms. Not all those who have symptoms seek medical help and the majority of sufferers are women. The exact cause…

Eating Disorders in Men

Eating Disorders in Men

1.Do Men suffer from Eating Disorders? Psychologists commonly see female clients presenting with symptoms of eating disorders – but what about men? Does this mean that men do not suffer from eating disorders? I don’t think so. It is probably rarer for men to develop eating disorders with the same constellation of symptoms as women. Body image concerns and engaging…

Schizophrenia- What is it?

Schizophrenia- What is it?

Despite many years of public education and campaigns in relation to mental health, schizophrenia continues to be a misunderstood mental illness. When people fear that they might be going “mad” it is the symptom list of a schizophrenic illness that they point to. In films, on television, and in books, the term “schizophrenia” is used interchangeably with “split personality”. Yet…

Hypnosis for Pain Relief

Hypnosis for Pain Relief

A question that I am often asked is: “When would you use hypnosis for pain?” A somewhat flippant reply that comes to my mind is, “When wouldn’t you?!” Though I don’t often say it, I always think it. Hypnosis, the ‘modern’ western way of experiencing a trance state is probably the oldest, least intrusive, and a least toxic way for managing…

story time

A Narrative Approach to Therapy

Author: Dr. Alistair Campbell, BA (Hons), M Psych (Clinical), Ph.D. Narrative approaches to therapy originated in Australia in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and are useful in the treatment of depression, anxiety and trauma. In the early days, they were introduced as a form of strategic therapy, which has its roots in family therapy and hypnosis, by two South Australian…

old man

Depression in Older Men

Written by Dr Alistair Campbell Do you remember watching any of those TV programs featuring “grumpy old men” (GOM)? I do. I love them! Witty, acerbic and opinionated older males making observations about people and life from a particularly jaded and critical point of view is pure gold for comedy. One of the reasons I really enjoyed watching these shows…